Discover steel sheet piles

Durable, sustainable and smart steel foundation solutions

What are steel sheet piles?

Steel sheet piles are long structural sections with a vertical interlocking system that create a continuous wall. 
They are commonly used to retain either soil or water. The performance of a sheet pile section depends on its geometry and the characteristics of the soils into which it is installed.

What is it made for?

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and sustainable
water transport

Water-based transport is essential to our global economy. Maritime and fluvial transport requires a safe and reliable infrastructure network.

  • Up to 13% cost reduction and 20% shorter construction time
  • AMLoCor® steel grades are up to 5 times more corrosion-resistant than standard steel
  • HZ®-M combined wall systems have up to 25% lower carbon-footprint than equivalent concrete walls

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Faster construction
of flood protection
barriers with steel
sheet piles

Keeping us safe with steel sheet piling solutions.
Steel sheet piles help safeguard our communities from
natural disasters.

  • Up to 14% shorter installation times with AZ®-800, the widest sheet piles on the market
  • Steel‘s natural ductility makes sheet piling the safest choice in seismic areas
  • Customised delivery plans from our logictic teams align with demanding project schedules

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Less disruptive,
cost-effective and quicker
infrastructure constructions

Efficient and reliable mobility infrastructures make your journey smoother and safer.

  • Steel sheet pile walls cost up to 54% less than traditional cast-in-place concrete walls
  • Building bridge abutments with steel sheet piles reduce the traffic disruption thanks to 10% faster construction time, and up to 15% less economic impact on the community during the service life
  • AZ®52-700 strongest sheet piles offer outstanding retaining strength

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Impervious, reusable
and sustainable containment

Steel helps to protect our future. When faced with pollution, containment is vital.

  • AKILA® is an environment-friendly sealant suitable for use in contact with groundwater
  • Reusing sheet piles generates up to 7 times less global warming potential than the equivalent concrete retaining walls
  • Customised fabrication and assembling solutions adapted to customers‘ requirements

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Sustainable solutions to reduce the environmental impact of your projects

Decarbonisation is the most important aspect of ArcelorMittal’s long-term strategy. We align with the Paris Agreement’s goals and the European Green Deal. We committed in 2021 to reduce European CO2 emissions by 35 % by 2030 and be carbon neutral by 2050. Our new brand, XCarb® is designed to bring together all of ArcelorMittal’s reduced, low and zero-carbon products and steelmaking activities.

For long, ArcelorMittal EcoSheetPile™ range of steel sheet piles have been manufactured through the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) route, with relatively low CO2 emissions, compared to the average emissions for the global steel industry which is around 2.3 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of primary steel produced*. The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of the EcoSheetPile™ product range is based on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with the EAF route using 100 % recycled material. It is available on request.

Sainte-Croix wildlife park, France

ArcelorMittal is the world’s largest supplier of cost-effective tailor-made steel foundation solutions, as well as the largest manufacturer of sustainable hot-rolled steel sheet piles. ArcelorMittal Sheet Piling is in charge of sales, marketing and promotion of hot rolled and cold formed steel sheet piles, HP bearing piles and steel tubes produced in its European mills, as well as accessories used for installation.


SmartSheetPile aims to provide infrastructure owners and operators with a digital asset that goes beyond traditional steel sheet piles by integrating sensors for real-time data collection. It enables the continuous monitoring of the structure's health and general conditions.

Typical use cases are the detection of shocks on the sheet pile walls and identification of their origin, remote corrosion monitoring, alert systems to monitor flood levels and the integrity of flood protection barriers, strain and deformation measurement to assess the infrastructure health and remaining capacity …

What does SmartSheetPile measure?
  • Shocks
  • Corrosion
  • Wall integrity
  • Deformation
  • Strain
  • Secure your assets
  • Minimize downtime
  • Achieve preventive maintenance
  • Reveal hidden capacities
  • Take on the digital transformation

Learn more about SmartSheetPile

About ArcelorMittal Sheet Piling


ArcelorMittal Sheet Piling is the worldwide leader in sustainable steel sheet piling technology, providing the most innovative foundation solutions. Our products are used worldwide for the construction of quay walls, waterways, flood protection barriers, mobility infrastructure projects and containment structures. ArcelorMittal Sheet Piling oversees the sales, marketing and promotion of foundation solutions. Our steel sheet piles are manufactured in Europe.

We offer complete package solutions, based on our wide range of products and services, expert technical support from the early design stages of a project to its completion, customized fabrication, just-in-time delivery and after-sales services. Our innovative solutions and technical support allow the design of optimized, sustainable and efficient steel sheet piling solutions.

Incheon bridge Korea