HP piles

HP steel bearing piles

HP steel bearing piles


The HP steel bearing piles are special H beams with the same thickness for flange and web. Bearing piles of this type are used all over the world for the deep foundations of various structures: housings, industrial constructions, bridges...

Of the multiple advantages, the most important are the following:

  • easy installation, considering driving as well as handling, transport and storing,
  • no limits for the length of the pile, due to an easy adaptation to the soil conditions by splicing,
  • control of the bearing capacity by measurement of the refusal at driving,
  • easy connection to the superstructure,
  • bending moment capacity for horizontal forces,
  • immediate loading capacity after driving,
  • excellent durability, numerous experiences for totally embedded piles showed a corrosion rate tending to zero.

HP piles are available in high strength steel grades, and some of them even in HISTAR®.

Below is a small sample of our production range. Check our dedicated brochure for a complete list of the available HP sections and their specific steel grades (see links on the bottom of this page).