General Conditions of Sales - IT

ArcelorMittal Commercial Italy

This document outlines the general conditions of sale for products, accessories, and services sold by a seller to a customer. It includes information on the scope of the agreement, prices and payment, transfer of risk, delivery, shipment, conformity and inspection, and liability and claims. The document emphasizes that the seller's specifications and order confirmation constitute the entire agreement between the seller and customer, and supersedes any other conflicting terms and conditions proposed by the customer. It also outlines the customer's obligations in terms of payment and inspection of goods upon delivery. Finally, the document specifies the seller's liability in terms of guaranteeing that goods are in conformity with the specifications contained in the order confirmation.

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In addition to the information provided, the document also outlines the process for handling any disputes or claims related to the sale of goods. It specifies that any claims related to defects or faults in the goods must be supported by documents proving the claim justification and must be notified to the seller within 8 days upon discovery or no later than 6 months after delivery. The document also outlines the process for payment, including the timeframe for payment and the consequences of late payment or failure to pay.

Furthermore, the document highlights the importance of proper communication between the seller and customer in terms of providing necessary information for shipping and transportation, including marking and shipping instructions and import certificates. It also emphasizes the importance of inspecting goods upon delivery and notifying the seller of any defects or damages within a specified timeframe.

Overall, this document serves as a comprehensive guide for both sellers and customers in understanding the terms and conditions of the sale of goods, including payment, delivery, and liability.