

A jetty is basically a structure that projects from the land into the water, or which is built in the middle of the water with an access from the shore to the jetty. Jetties can be found where docks are built along natural riverbanks (natural slopes) or along the shore, when dredging along the shore is not a viable option, or for very deep berthing structures (i.e. for LNG vessels). Jetties are generally built across the slope, and vessels can berth either along the jetty or at the end of it.

Jetties are usually built as a deck on piles structure, founded on individual vertical or battered steel piles driven into the soil, and topped by a deck built with steel or reinforced concrete. Steel HP piles and spirally welded tubular piles are ideal for this application.

Alternatively, jetties can be executed as a double sheet pile wall, with one or more anchor levels, or with circular cells.
